Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 302
AS - Asia 147
NA - Nord America 91
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 542
Nazione #
IT - Italia 169
SG - Singapore 114
US - Stati Uniti d'America 91
IE - Irlanda 39
DE - Germania 33
SE - Svezia 18
CN - Cina 17
FI - Finlandia 13
UA - Ucraina 12
HK - Hong Kong 10
FR - Francia 7
BE - Belgio 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CL - Cile 2
IN - India 2
ES - Italia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NL - Olanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 542
Città #
Singapore 79
Dublin 39
Jacksonville 22
Vercelli 16
Dearborn 14
Milan 12
Hong Kong 10
Munich 10
Lancenigo-Villorba 8
Helsinki 6
Rome 6
Novara 5
Wilmington 5
Lawrence 4
Princeton 4
Turin 4
Andover 3
Florence 3
Pescara 3
San Mateo 3
Santa Clara 3
Ashburn 2
Beijing 2
Besana in Brianza 2
Biella 2
Bremen 2
Brussels 2
Chandler 2
Düsseldorf 2
Grafing 2
Montesilvano Marina 2
Naples 2
Santiago 2
Shanghai 2
Shenyang 2
Amsterdam 1
Boardman 1
Cassano Magnago 1
Colombo 1
Dallas 1
Dalmine 1
Delhi 1
Hefei 1
Islamabad 1
Leawood 1
Luxembourg 1
Manila 1
Monmouth Junction 1
Mülheim 1
Nanchang 1
Odalengo Grande 1
Orbassano 1
Ovada 1
Pisa 1
Riga 1
Sacramento 1
San Terenzo 1
Seville 1
Springfield 1
Torino 1
Totale 312
Nome #
One-Year Follow up of Noninvasive Respiratory Support in General Wards 68
Natural history and risk stratification of patients undergoing non-invasive ventilation in a non-ICU setting for severe COPD exacerbations 64
Venous thromboembolism in non-small cell lung cancer patients: retrospective analysis of cases treated at the Oncology Day Hospital of Novara, Italy 53
Does noninvasive ventilation delivery in the ward provide early effective ventilation? 37
Incidence and predictors of venous thromboembolism in post-acute care patients. A prospective cohort study 33
A nurse-led coaching intervention with home telemonitoring for patients with heart failure: Protocol for a feasibility randomized clinical trial 23
La semeiotica del XXI secolo. L'esame clinico ecografico integrato 8
Aspetti Clinici e Terapeutici delle infezioni Batteriche in Medicina Interna 6
L'ipotensione post-prandiale come causa di sincope post prandiale nell'anziano con diabete mellito non insulino dipendente 6
ANMCO/FADOI/SIAARTI/SIC/SIMG/SIMI/SIMEU consensus document: The clinical care pathway of acute heart failure patients from symptom onset to discharge from the emergency department [Documento di consenso ANMCO/FADOI/SIAARTI/SIC/SIMG/SIMI/SIMEU: Il percorso clinico-diagnostico e terapeutico del paziente con scompenso cardiaco acuto dal domicilio alla dimissione dal Pronto Soccorso/ Dipartimento di Emergenza-Accettazione] 6
Lo studio della microalbuminuria nel diabete mellito di tipo II 5
Pharmacology of new oral anticoagulants: Mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics 5
Crioglobulinemia mista di tipo II: follow-up di una casistica personale. 5
Type 2 diabetes: microalbuminuria and cardiovascular complications 5
Le sindromi rabdomiolitiche. 5
ANMCO/ISS/AMD/ANCE/ARCA/FADOI/GICR-IACPR/SICI-GISE/SIBioC/SIC/SICOA/SID/SIF/SIMEU/SIMG/SIMI/SISA Joint Consensus Document on cholesterol and cardiovascular risk: Diagnostic-therapeutic pathway in Italy 5
Venous thromboembolism in non-small cell lung cancer patients: retrospective analysis of cases treated at the Oncology Day Hospital of Novara, Italy 5
Challenging diagnoses of toxocariasis: a report of two cases 5
Il D-dimero nella pratica clinica:quando e perchè. Il D -dimero in Medicina d'Urgenza ed in Medicina Interna 5
La gestione del paziente con tromboembolismo venoso tra Ospedale e territorio 5
Rabdomiolityc syndrome in acute respiratoy infections. 5
In the elderly subiects with Hypertension the postprandial hypotension is a reproducible event and resposible for severe clinical consequences 5
La trombosi venosa profonda e l'embolia polmonare. Dalle tecniche diagnostiche alla nuova strategia del “single drug approach” 5
The complexity of patients hospitalized in internal medicine wards evaluated by FADOI-COMPLIMED score(s). A hypothetical approach 5
Il tromboebolismo venoso nel paziente ricoverato in un dipartimento di Medicina Interna 5
Risk factors for venous thromboembolism and prophylaxis in medical inpatients: Data from the FADOI "GEMINI" study [Fattori di rischio per tromboembolismo venoso e profilassi nei pazienti ricoverati in Medicina Interna: Analisi dallo studio FADOI "GEMINI"] 5
Crioglobulinemia mista di tipo II: revisione della casistica personale 5
Effects of iloprost on pain-free walking distance and clinical outcome in patients with severe stage IIb peripheral arterial disease: The FADOI 2bPILOT Study 4
Real-world economic burden of venous thromboembolism and antithrombotic prophylaxis in medical inpatients 4
Clinical governance and clinical competence to support new scenarios and role of internal medicine 4
Not-for-profit observational study to evaluate the quality and safety of care in outliers hospitalized with medical diseases-Study Protocol of Safety Issues and SurvIval for Medical Outliers (SISIFO study) 4
Immunosoppressione e infezioni intercorrenti nella crioglobulinemia mista 4
Rapidly progressive B-lymphoma in an A.I.D.S. patient. Pulmonary involvement mimicking a miliary tubercolosis 4
Delirium, dementia, and in-hospital mortality: The results from the Italian Delirium Day 2016, a national multicenter study 4
Diabetes and CoViD-19: Experience from the frontline of Internal Medicine wards in Italy 4
Hepatotoxicity of hydroxy-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors 4
I fattori di rischio per lo stroke 4
Full Length Article Misdiagnosis of vertebral fractures on local radiographic readings of the multicentre POINT (Prevalence of Osteoporosis in INTernal medicine) study 4
Natural history and risk stratification of patients undergoing non-invasive ventilation in a non-ICU setting for severe COPD exacerbations 4
Patologia extraepatica HCV-correlata 4
Le sindromi sistemiche HCV correlate 4
Thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients: results of a survey among Italian physicians 3
Complexity in hospital internal medicine departments: What are we talking about? 3
Factors associated with anticoagulation prescription in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation 3
Pain management in Internal Medicine and effects of a standardised educational intervention: The FADOI-DOMINO Study 3
L'escrezione urinaria di albumina (AER) riflette lo stress cardiovascolare totale e correla con le complicanze macroangiopatiche nei pazienti diabetici non insulino- dipendenti 3
Management of Hypothyroidism in Internal Medicine: Patient Profile and Effects of an Educational Programme in the Cluster-Randomized FADOI TIAMO Study 3
Gli stati prelinfomatosi 3
Prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism in patients with solid brain neoplasms: results of a survey among Italian physicians 3
A case of legionellosis treated with erythromycin [Su di un caso di legionellosi trattato con eritromicina.] 3
A model to improve the appropriateness in the management of acute poly-pathological patients: The Acute Complex Care Model 3
Evaluation of the threshold value for the modified early warning score (MEWS) in medical septic patients: A secondary analysis of an Italian multicentric prospective cohort (SNOOPII study) 3
Incidence and predictors of venous thromboembolism in post-acute care patients. A prospective cohort study 3
High negative predicitive value for thromboembolism of the D-dimer assay 3
Behavior of thyroid hormones in chronic hepatopathies [Comportamento degli ormoni tiroidei nelle epatopatie croniche.] 3
Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system. A clinical and immunohistological study of 8 patients 3
Rivaroxaban vs placebo for extended antithrombotic prophylaxis after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer 3
Il coinvolgimento cardiaco nella anoressia nervosa: studio elettrocardiografico, funzionale e morfologico 3
Does noninvasive ventilation delivery in the ward provide early effective ventilation? 3
Le crioglobulinemie 3
Vorapaxar 3
Prognostic value for mortality of the new FADOI-COMPLIMED score(s) in patients hospitalized in medical wards 3
BPCO e tromboembolismo venoso ( COPD and venous thromboembolism) 3
Incidence and characteristics of non-Hodgkin lymphomas in a multicenter case file of patients with hepatitis C virus-related symptomatic mixed cryoglobulinemias 3
Clinical characteristics of very old patients hospitalized in internal medicine wards for heart failure: A sub-analysis of the FADOI-CONFINE Study Group 3
Cholesterol and cardiovascular risk: Diagnostic and therapeutic pathways in Italy [Colesterolo e rischio cardiovascolare: Percorso diagnostico-terapeutico in Italia] 3
Le rabdomiolisi in medicina interna 3
Prulifloxacin vs Levofloxacin for Exacerbation of COPD after Failure of Other Antibiotics 3
Portal and mesenteric thrombosis in protein S (pS) deficiency 3
Derivation and Validation of a Prediction Model for Venous Thromboembolism in Primary Care 3
La sindrome rabdomiolitica in Medicina Interna 3
La sindrome rabdomiolitica nell'anziano 3
Original Full Length Article High prevalence of fragility vertebral fractures in patients hospitalised in Internal Medicine Units. Results of the POINT (Prevalence of Osteoporosis in INTernal medicine) study 3
Venous thromboembolism in non-small cell lung cancer patients: Retrospective analysis of cases treated at the Oncology Day Hospital of Novara, Italy 3
Early alert from the microbiology laboratory improves the outcome of elderly patients with Enterococcus spp. bloodstream infection: Results from a multicentre prospective study 3
A randomized controlled trial of rituximab for the treatment of severe cryoglobulinemic vasculitis 3
Clinical features, short-term mortality, and prognostic risk factors of septic patients admitted to internal medicine units results of an italian multicenter prospective study 3
BPCO e tromboembolismo venoso 3
Emergenze ed urgenze ipertensive 2/e 3
Hospitalization and mortality for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): An Italian population-based study 3
Analysis of the characteristics of patients admitted to Internal Medicine wards for exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and discharge phase optimization. The SDO-ARCA Project of the Scientific Society FADOI 3
Electrocardiographic, morfologic, functional study of cardiovascular system in mental anorexia 3
Le cadute dell'anziano 3
Self-reported hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperuricemia management by Italian Internal Medicine Units: A national survey of the FADOI Study Group in Cardiovascular Medicine 3
Apixaban for the treatment of venous thromboembolism associated with cancer 3
Acquired factor XIII deficiency inducing recurrent and fatal bleeding, description of a case 3
Drug prescription and delirium in older inpatients: Results from the nationwide multicenter Italian Delirium Day 2015-2016 3
Microalbuminuria e complicanze cardiovascolari nei diabetici di tipo II 3
Mixedema coma and rabdomiolitic syndrome 3
Hospitalization and mortality for acute exacerbation of asthma: an Italian population-based study 3
Malattia Tromboembolica nello stroke 3
Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism after Hospital Discharge in Internal Medicine: Findings from the Observational FADOI-NoTEVole Study 3
Hypertension as a major determinant of postprandial hypotension in the elderly 3
Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Criteria for an appropriate hospital discharge 2
Real-world management of atrial fibrillation in Internal Medicine units: The FADOI 'FALP' observational study 2
Bolus tenecteplase for right ventricle dysfunction in hemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism 2
La cardiomiopatia diabetica 2
Urinary albumin excretion as an index of total cardiovascular stress: Relationship to macro-angiopathic complications in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 2
Totale 618
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.789
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 6.789

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202032 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 2 5 4 5 0
2020/202124 5 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 4 1 4 0
2021/202227 1 0 3 3 3 0 4 1 1 0 7 4
2022/202398 27 14 4 2 3 4 3 0 37 1 3 0
2023/202430 0 5 4 0 4 0 8 3 0 0 2 4
2024/2025433 5 186 191 26 18 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 681