VAUDAGNA, Maurizio
VAUDAGNA, Maurizio
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A Checkered History:The New Deal,Democracy and Totalitarianism in Transatlantic Welfare States
2002-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
American Studies in Italy: Historical Legacies, Public Contexts and Scholarly Trends
2007-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Americanization and the Quest for Pluralism in American Studies
2005-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Brave New Words.Strategies of Language and Communication in the United States of the 1930's
1999-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Citizenship, Welfare and the State in the Controversy over "The Widening Atlantic"
2005-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Conservative Critics of the New Deal in the 1930s:Toward Authoritarian Europeanization?
2007-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Democracy and Social Rights in the "Two Wests"
2009-01-01 ALICE KESSLER, Harris; Vaudagna, Maurizio
Gli studi sul maschile:scopi,metodi e prospettive storiografiche
2000-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio; Maurizio,
Il Vangelo e la groviera.Storia dello sviluppo comunitario a Salinas de Guaranda
2010-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio; Montecchio, M.
Le riforme sanitarie di Clinton e Obama:precedenti storici, diritti sociali e linguaggi pubblici
2011-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Nazione e popolo nella storiografia americana contemporanea
2000-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Politiques Sociales et Réforme del l'Assurance Maladie de Roosevelt à Obama
2012-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Public and Private in American History.State,Family,Subjectivity in the Twentieth Century
2003-01-01 R., Baritono; D., Frezza; A., Lorini; Vaudagna, Maurizio; E., Vezzosi
Public and Private in Twentieth Century American History:State,Family and Subjectivity in Comparative Perspective
2003-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio; Raffaella Baritono, R; Frezza, D; Lorini, A; Vezzosi, E.
Social Protection and the Promise of a Secure Future in Wartime Europe and America
2010-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Social Rights and Changing Definitions of Liberty::America,Europe and the Dictators
2009-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
The American Century and Europe
2002-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
The American Century and Europe
2003-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio; R., Laurence Moore
The Place of Europe in American History: Twentieth Century Perspectives
2007-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio
Transatlantic Encounters:Public Uses and Misuses of History in Europe and the United States
2000-01-01 Vaudagna, Maurizio; Adams, D.