RINAUDO, Caterina
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.663
EU - Europa 4.381
AS - Asia 1.018
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 17
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 10.081
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.628
IE - Irlanda 1.302
SE - Svezia 838
DE - Germania 730
UA - Ucraina 662
FI - Finlandia 378
HK - Hong Kong 335
IT - Italia 331
CN - Cina 310
SG - Singapore 249
IN - India 92
GB - Regno Unito 80
CA - Canada 32
BE - Belgio 22
IR - Iran 19
EU - Europa 17
FR - Francia 13
RU - Federazione Russa 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
IL - Israele 4
VN - Vietnam 4
CH - Svizzera 3
MX - Messico 3
RO - Romania 3
TR - Turchia 3
LT - Lituania 2
CO - Colombia 1
KR - Corea 1
NL - Olanda 1
TH - Thailandia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 10.081
Città #
Dublin 1.298
Jacksonville 1.140
Chandler 483
Dearborn 481
Wilmington 354
Hong Kong 335
Lawrence 206
Princeton 206
Singapore 170
San Mateo 161
Beijing 158
Andover 156
Ann Arbor 145
Ashburn 125
Piemonte 124
Woodbridge 104
Philadelphia 93
Boardman 89
Houston 75
Bremen 71
Helsinki 31
Norwalk 26
Hefei 25
Toronto 20
Nanjing 19
Brussels 18
Milan 16
Leawood 15
Fairfield 14
Jinan 13
Vercelli 13
Kunming 12
Nanchang 12
Turin 12
Villastellone 12
Monmouth Junction 10
Ottawa 10
Guangzhou 9
Rome 8
Seattle 8
Magenta 7
Apo 6
Auburn Hills 6
Fuzhou 6
London 6
Shenyang 6
Torino 6
Berlin 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Hangzhou 5
Munich 5
Padova 5
San Diego 5
Brno 4
Camponogara 4
Catania 4
Dong Ket 4
Genoa 4
Omegna 4
Sacramento 4
Baldissero Torinese 3
Brescia 3
Changsha 3
Columbia 3
Cuneo 3
Des Moines 3
Desana 3
Espoo 3
Horia 3
Kocaeli 3
Mülheim 3
Nürnberg 3
San Luis Potosí City 3
Wenzhou 3
Zanjan 3
Aalen 2
Ancona 2
Augusta 2
Baotou 2
Cassano Allo Ionio 2
Centro 2
Chengdu 2
Chennai 2
Cosenza 2
Düsseldorf 2
Hebei 2
Jerusalem 2
Kyiv 2
Los Angeles 2
Lugano 2
Massarosa 2
Messina 2
Modena 2
Novosibirsk 2
Palermo 2
Poitiers 2
Shanghai 2
Taiyuan 2
Trappes 2
Winnipeg 2
Totale 6.473
Nome #
Asbestos fibers in the gallbladder of patients affected by benign biliary tract diseases 127
Numerous Iron-Rich Particles Lie on the Surface of Erionite Fibers from Rome (Oregon, USA) and Karlik (Cappadocia, Turkey) 107
Applicazione della spettroscopia micro-Raman per lo studio di minerali fibrosi in tessuti biologici 81
Clonal differences in survival capacity, copper and zinc accumulation, and correlation with leaf polyamine levels in poplar: a large-scale field trial on heavily polluted soil 73
A new oncogenic amphibole with anomalous composition: fluoro-edenite asbestos from Biancavilla (Catania, Italy) 73
The use of Raman spectroscopy to identify inorganic phases in iatrogenic pathological lesions of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma 73
Crystallization of constituents of human lithiasis 72
A new method to identify a cut gem stone 72
A contribution to the study of the crystal chemistry of the calcium sulfate-phosphate hydrate 70
Identification by micro-Raman spectroscopy of iron-rich mineral particles lying on the surface of erionite fibers from Rome (Oregon - USA) and from Karlik (Cappadocia - Turkey) 70
The occurrence of uric acids and the growth morphology of the anhydrous monoclinic modification : C5H4N4O3 69
Epitaxies et transition de phase dans les acides uriques 69
Heterogeneous nucleation and epitaxy between magnesium phosphates and uric acids 69
Geminazione semplice e polisintetica come fenomeno di crescita nella serie delle paraffine normali C28H58,C34H70, C36H74 69
Caratterizzazione di una giada viola proveniente dalla Turchia 69
Appunti per biologi su cristalli e minerali. Metodi non distruttivi per la loro identificazione 69
Investigations about the structure of freshwater cultured pearls 68
Asbestos and other fibrous minerals contained in the serpentinites of the Gimigliano-Reventino Unit, Calabria 68
Screening di un’ampia collezione di cloni di pioppo per il fitorisanamento di suoli contaminati da metalli pesanti: una prova di campo 67
Solubility and mechanism of dissolution of dihydrated and anhydrous uric acid 67
An air quality balance index estimating the total amount of air pollutants at ground level 67
Syntactic coalescences between the monoclinic and orthorhombic polymorphs of the long-chain even n-alkane,n-C34H70 66
Micromorfologia superficiale della forma {111} della Pirite 66
On the anomalous birefringence of Verneuil synthetic spinels 66
Asbestos and other fibrous materials in the serpentinites of the Gimignano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, South Italy) 66
Deciphering the tectonic-geodynamic context of the gem-quality “noble serpentine” deposit formation combining microstructural, chemical and micro-Raman analyses in Palaeozoic olivine-bearing marbles and serpentine-hosting rocks (Pizzo Tremogge, Margna unit – Austroalpine, Val Malenco – Central Alps, Italy) 66
Phase transition and epitaxies between hydrated orthorhombic and anhydrous monoclinic uric acid crystals 64
Experimental growth and crystal morphology of diopside (CaMgSi2O6) from the melt 64
Fosforo in soluzione da sistemi zeoliti/Ca-fosfato/acqua: confronto d’efficienza con l’uso di fasi sintetiche e naturali 64
Asbestos fibre burden in gallbladder: A case study 64
Characterization of an Area Polluted by Copper and Zinc: the Relation between Soil Texture, Mineralogy and Pollutant Concentration 63
Cristallisation des acides uriques 63
Experimental growth and crystal morphology of diopside (CaMgSi2O6) crystallized by continuous cooling rate in the range 1400 - 1360 °C 63
Heterogeneous nucleation and epitaxy of newberyite and uric acid crystals 63
Crescita autoepitassiale della newberyite (MgHPO4•3H2O) 62
Solubility of uric acids: orthorhombic dihydrate and monoclinic anhydrous forms as a function of temperature 62
Politipismo complesso e geminazione polisintetica periodica: meccanismi di crescita ed energie di formazione nelle paraffine normali a catena lunga 62
The gypsum brushite system: crystallization and characterization of pure and sulphophosphatic phases 62
Caratterizzazione chimica e cristallografica di corindone sintetico blu prodotto con il metodo Verneuil 62
Environmental scanning electron microscopy technique to identify asbestos phases inside ferruginous bodies 62
Account of an innovative procedure for the assessment of inorganic particles and mineral phases in the PM10 62
Continous exposure to chrysotile asbestos can cause transformation of human mesothelial cells via HMGB1 and TNF-alpha signalling 62
Sul calcolo reticolare nello studio dell'autoepitassia 62
Curvature of gypsum crystals induced by growth in the presence of impurities 61
Influenza del CdCl2 sulla crescita di cristalli di gesso (CaSO4•2H2O) 61
Whewellite crystallization from uric acid solutions 61
X-ray Topographic study of synthetic single and twinned gypsum crystals 61
Asbestos fiber identification in liver from cholangiocarcinoma patients living in an asbestos polluted area: a preliminary study 61
Identification of asbestos fibers in tissues of patients affected by important diseases in extra respiratory systems 61
Growth mechanism of even n-alkanes 60
Theoretical and experimental growth morphologies of sodium urate crystals 60
Characterization of gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O) twins by X-ray topography 60
“Tufo Giallo Napoletano” as possible phosphorous source for plant nutrition 60
Micro-Raman spectroscopy and VP-SEM/EDS technique applied to the characterization of inorganic particles, fibres and asbestos bodies in histological sections used for respiratory disease diagnoses 60
Ecological risk assessment utilizing the TRIAD approach: the Fraschetta area (I) case-study 60
Sistema brushite- gesso: caratterizzazione delle fasi precipitate 59
Monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria presso un sito industriale 59
Characterization by VP-SEM/EDS of particulate matter in areas with different environmental impact: relationship with emission sources 59
Asbestos fibres detected by scanning electron microscopy in the gallbladder of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) 59
Growth and characterization of gypsum crystals 58
Gypsum crystallization from cadmium-poisoned solutions 58
Characterization of gypsum from Zaragoza (Spain) 57
Application of Raman spectroscopy to identification of asbestos minerals 57
Identificazione di amianti, minerali fibrosi e fibre sintetiche mediante XRPD, SEM-EDS, TEM-EDS, Raman e micro-Raman 56
Asbestos fibers identified in the gallbladder tissues of patients suffering of cholangiocarcinoma and mesothelioma. 56
Cristallisation des acides uriques et relations avec d’autres constituants primaires de la lithiase urinaire 55
Autoepitaxial growth and twinning of newberyite crystals (MgHPO4.3H2O) 55
The system CaHPO4 ·2H2O-CaSO42H2O: crystallizations from calcium phosphate solutions in the presence of SO42- 55
Chemical and crystallographic investigations on the cracking of blue corundum,Al2O3, produced by the Verneuil technique 55
Application of Raman spectroscopy to identification of some T-O-T sheet silicates 55
Growth morphology of uric acid 55
Caratterizzazione di corindoni infiltrati e di materiali compositi 55
Cristallizzazione da fusi di composizione CaMgSi2O6 nell’intervallo di temperature 1400-1360ºC. Morfologia del diopside 54
Gypsum grown under pressure from dense suspension of CaSO4,0.67H2O 54
Applicazione della spettroscopia micro-Raman per la determinazione di fasi mineralogiche in fasci fibrosi 54
River pollution remediation monitored by optical and infrared high-resolution satellite images 54
The gypsum-brushite system:crystallization from solutions poisoned by phosphate ions 53
Identification of serpentine minerals by Raman spectroscopy 53
Caratterizzazione di silicati a strati mediante spettrometria Raman 53
Influence of sodium and magnesium on the growth morphology of gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O 53
Crystal chemistry of cement-asbestos and its high temperature products 53
Crystal chemistry of the high temperature product of transformation of cement-asbestos 53
Characterization of gypsum crystals by X-ray topography 52
Morphology, epitaxies and phase transition of hydrated and anhydrous uric acids 52
Micromorfologia superficiale della forma {111} della pirite 52
Characterization of spinels, ruby, sapphire and colourless corundum by X-ray topography 52
The mineralogical composition of maw-sit-sit from Myanmar 52
Electronic microscopy and Raman spectrometry for characterization of asbestos 52
A spectroscopic study of the product of thermal transformation of asbestos-containing materials 52
An experiment in the electrokinetic removal of copper from soil contaminated by the brass industry 52
Cristallizzazione simultanea dei fosfati e solfati di calcio da soluzione acquosa 52
Application of Raman spectroscopy on asbestos fibre identification 51
Applicazione di una nuova metodologia per la determinazione di Fluoro-edenite, minerale asbestiforme naturale 51
Gem-quality serpentine from Val Malenco, central Alps, Italy 51
Raman Micro-Spectroscopy Identifies Carbonaceous Particles Lying on the Surface of Crocidolite, Amosite, and Chrysotile Fibers 51
Characterization of Verneuil red corundum by X-ray topography 50
Caratterizzazione chimico-cristallografica di corindone sintetico (Al2O3) 50
Verneuil corundum: an integrated PBC and white beam synchrotron radiation X-ray topography analysis 50
Continuous exposure to chrysotile asbestos can cause transformation of human mesothelial cells via HMGB1 and TNF-α signaling 50
Totale 6.142
Categoria #
all - tutte 55.231
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 55.231

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.083 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 97 231 157 218 4
2020/20211.369 211 2 203 6 137 16 211 5 217 34 265 62
2021/20221.433 88 3 361 134 48 2 155 22 91 10 223 296
2022/20232.939 219 115 134 150 286 326 39 158 1.354 10 89 59
2023/2024814 59 55 77 15 134 7 183 24 15 5 129 111
2024/2025320 21 16 53 71 76 31 52 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.142