Sfoglia per Autore Ogliari, Elena
Lo spazio tra paura e riflessione: l’Inghilterra e l’Irlanda di Marise Ferro
2023-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Eimar O’Duffy and the Lesson of the Masters to Imagine Ireland’s Utopias into Reality
2023-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Cuchulain as an Epigone of Leopold Bloom? Irish Mythology and Alternative Irelands in Eimar O’Duffy’s Cuanduine Trilogy
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Eavan Boland Le storiche
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Narrating a New, Old Ireland at the Tailteann Games: Between Body and Cultural Politics
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Compassion and Acceptance of Human Animality in a Selection of Liam O’Flaherty’s Stories
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
“The Island without Peace” Reporting the Irish War of Independence in Corriere della Sera and La Domenica del Corriere
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Reframing “the most holy spot in Ireland”: an analysis of the narratives from and around Kilmainham Gaol
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Maria Teresa Chialant, Racconti d’amore al tempo della Regina Vittoria
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Breaking the Silence: The Irish Civil War in the Short Stories by Dorothy Macardle
2022-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Daughters of the Nation? Máire Nic Chearbhaill and the Girls of Young Ireland
2021-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
The Past Contains a Promise of Regeneration: Narratives of Ireland’s Future in Early-Twentieth-Century Juvenile Periodicals
2021-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Piero Borzini, L’arduo cammino di Darwin. Costruzione di una teoria rivoluzionaria
2021-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Remembering The Great War to Foster Reconciliation: A Multimodal Analysis of Three Exhibitions in Today’s Dublin
2021-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Book reviews in the Irish ‘revolutionary’ periodicals: Dialogic texts with a political agenda
2021-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
The Social and Historical Effects of Laughter in Revolutionary Ireland: The Case of Our Boys
2021-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Viaggio segreto a Lhasa. Una spedizione nel misterioso Tibet
2020-01-01 Mcgovern, William Montgomery; Ogliari, Elena
Against British Influences: Home Rule and the Autonomy of Irish Popular Culture in Ireland’s Juvenile Periodicals
2020-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
L’esilio come condizione necessaria: assenze negli scritti di Maud Gonne
2020-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
Birth of an Independent Ireland: Moulding the Young in the Irish Juvenile Press
2020-01-01 Ogliari, Elena
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