Sfoglia per Rivista GENES AND IMMUNITY
A family-based study does not confirm the association of MYO9B with celiac disease in the Italian population
2006-01-01 Giordano, Mara; Marano, C; Mellai, M; Limongelli, Mg; Bolognesi, E; Clerget Darpoux, F; Momigliano, Patricia; Greco, L.
A genome screen for multiple sclerosis in Italian families
2001-01-01 S., Broadley; S., Sawcer; D'Alfonso, Sandra; A., Hensiek; F., Coraddu; J., Gray; R., Roxburgh; D., Clayton; M., Salvetti; A., Quattrone; M., Trojano; L., Massacesi; GENES AND IMMUNITY, A. C. O. M. P. S. T. O. N.
A non-synonymous SNP within membrane metalloendopeptidase-like 1 (MMEL1) is associated with multiple sclerosis
2010-01-01 Ban, M; Mccauley, Jl; Zuvich, R; Baker, A; Bergamaschi, L; Cox, M; Kemppinen, A; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Guerini, Fr; LECHNER SCOTT, J; Dudbridge, F; Wason, J; Robertson, Np; De, ; Jager, Pl; Hafler, Da; Barcellos, Lf; Ivinson, Aj; Sexton, D; Oksenberg, Jr; Hauser, Sl; PERICAK VANCE, Ma; Haines, J; Compston, A; Sawcer, S.
Association tests with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) of IL10 markers indicate a direct involvement of a CA repeat in the 5' regulatory region
2002-01-01 D'Alfonso, Sandra; Giordano, Mara; Mellai, M; Lanceni, M; Barizzone, N; Marchini, M; Scorza, R; Danieli, Mg; Cappelli, M; Rovere, P; Sabbadini, Mg; Momigliano, Patricia
Bias in association studies of systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility due to geographical variation in the frequency of a programmed cell death 1 polymorphism across Europe
2007-01-01 FERREIROS VIDAL, I; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Papasteriades, C; Skopouli, Fn; Marchini, M; Scorza, R; Migliaresi, S; Sebastiani, Gd; Endreffy, E; Mavromati, M; KAPPOU RIGATOU, I; Ruzickova, S; Dostal, C; Schmidt, Re; Witte, T; GOMEZ REINO, Jj; Gonzalez, A.
Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases, supplement 1
2001-01-01 Bidwell, J; Keen, L; Gallagher, G; Kimberly, R; Huizinga, T; Mcdermott, Mf; Oksenberg, J; Mcnicholl, J; Pociot, F; Hardt, C; D'Alfonso, Sandra
Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases
1999-01-01 J., Bidwell; L., Keen; G., Gallagher; R., Kimberly; T., Huizinga; Mf, Mcdermott; J., Oksenberg; J., Mcnicholl; F., Pociot; C., Hardt; D'Alfonso, Sandra
Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases, supplement 2
2002-01-01 Haukim, N; Bidwell, Jl; Smith, Aj; Keen, Lj; Gallagher, G; Kimberly, R; Huizinga, T; Mcdermott, Mf; Oksenberg, J; Mcnicholl, J; Pociot, F; Hardt, C; D'Alfonso, Sandra
Genetic association of miRNA-146a with systemic lupus erythematosus in Europeans through decreased expression of the gene
2012-01-01 Lofgren, Se; Frostegard, J; Truedsson, L; Pons Estel, Ba; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Witte, T; Lauwerys, Br; Endreffy, E; Kovacs, L; Vasconcelos, C; da Silva, Bm; Kozyrev, Sv; Alarcon Riquelme, Me
Genetic associations of LYN with systemic lupus erythematosus.
2009-01-01 Lu, R; Vidal, Gs; Kelly, Ja; Delgado Vega, Am; Howard, Xk; Macwana, Sr; Dominguez, N; Klein, W; Burrell, C; Harley, It; Kaufman, Km; Bruner, Gr; Moser, Kl; Gaffney, Pm; Gilkeson, Gs; Wakeland, Ek; Li, Qz; Langefeld, Cd; Marion, Mc; Divers, J; Alarcón, Gs; Brown, Ee; Kimberly, Rp; Edberg, Jc; Ramsey Goldman, R; Reveille, Jd; McGwin G., Jr; Vilá, Lm; Petri, Ma; Bae, Sc; Cho, Sk; Bang, Sy; Kim, I; Choi, Cb; Martin, J; Vyse, Tj; Merrill, Jt; Harley, Jb; Alarcón Riquelme, Me; Biolupus, ; GENLES Multicenter, Collaborations; Nath, Sk; James, Ja; Junker P, Guthridge J. M.; Voss, A; Laustrup, H; Lauwerys, Br; Houssiau, Fa; Vasconcelos, C; Da Silva, Bm; Gutierrez, C; Suárez, A; Witte, T; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Migliaresi, S; Galeazzi, M; Sebastiani, Gd; Pons Estel, B; Endreffy, E; Gregersen, Pk; Oksenberg, Jr; Alarcón, Gs; Brown, Ee; Kimberly, Rp; Edberg, Jc; McGwin G., Jr; Ramsey Goldman, R; Reveille, Jd; Vilá, Lm; Petri, M. A.
HLA-class I markers and multiple sclerosis susceptibility in the Italian population
2010-01-01 Bergamaschi, L; Leone, Ma; Fasano, Me; Guerini, Fr; Ferrante, Daniela; Bolognesi, E; Barizzone, N; Corrado, Lucia; Naldi, P; Agliardi, C; Dametto, E; Salvetti, M; Visconti, A; Galimberti, D; Scarpini, E; Vercellino, M; Bergamaschi, R; Monaco, Francesco; Caputo, D; Momigliano Richiardi, P; D'Alfonso, Sandra
IL12A, MPHOSPH9/CDK2AP1 and RGS1 are novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci
2010-01-01 ESPOSITO F, INTERNATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS GENETICS CONSSORTIUM I. M. S. G. C.; Patsopoulos, Na; Cepok, S; Kockum, I; Leppä, V; Booth, Dr; Heard, Rn; Stewart, Gj; Cox, M; Scott, Rj; LECHNER SCOTT, J; Goris, A; Dobosi, R; Dubois, B; Rioux, Jd; Oturai, Ab; Søndergaard, Hb; Sellebjerg, F; Sørensen, Ps; Reunanen, M; Koivisto, K; COURNU REBEIX, I; Fontaine, B; Winkelmann, J; Gieger, C; INFANTE DUARTE, C; Zipp, F; Bergamaschi, L; Leone, M; Bergamaschi, R; Cavalla, P; Lorentzen, Ar; Mero, Il; Celius, Eg; Harbo, Hf; Spurkland, A; Comabella, M; Brynedal, B; Alfredsson, L; Bernardinelli, L; Robertson, Np; Hawkins, Cp; Barcellos, Lf; Beecham, G; Bush, W; Cree, Ba; Daly, Mj; Ivinson, Aj; Aubin, C; Compston, A; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Haines, Jl; Hauser, Sl; Hemmer, B; Hillert, J; Mccauley, Jl; Oksenberg, J; Olsson, T; Palotie, A; Peltonen, L; PERICAK VANCE, Ma; Saarela, J; Sawcer, Sj; Stranger, B; Boneschi, Fm; Comi, G; Hafle, Da; DE BAKKER, Pi; DE JAGER, Pl
A mutation in caspase-9 decreases the expression of BAFFR and ICOS in patients with immunodeficiency and lymphoproliferation
2015-01-01 Clemente, Nausicaa; Boggio, Elena; Gigliotti, CASIMIRO LUCA; Orilieri, E.; Cappellano, G.; Toth, E.; ALUFFI VALLETTI, Paolo; Santoro, Claudio Ventura; Quinti, I.; Pignata, C.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Dianzani, C.; Dianzani, Irma; Ramenghi, U.; Dianzani, Umberto; Chiocchetti, Annalisa
New polymorphisms in the IL-10 promoter region
2000-01-01 D'Alfonso, Sandra; Rampi, M; Rolando, V; Giordano, Mara; Momigliano, Patricia
New Polymorphisms in the IL-10 promoter region
2001-01-01 D'Alfonso, S.; Rampi, M.; Rolando, V.; Giordano, Mara; MOMIGLIANO RICHIARDI, P.
Opposed independent effects and epistasis in the complex association of IRF5 to SLE
2007-01-01 FERREIRO-NEIRA, I; Calaza, M; ALONSO-PEREZ, E; Marchini, M; Scorza, R; Sebastiani, Gd; Blanco, Fj; Rego, I; Pullmann, R JR; Pullmann, R; Kallenberg, Cg; Bijl, M; Skopouli, Fn; Mavromati, M; Migliaresi, S; Barizzone, N; Ruzickova, S; Dostal, C; Schmidt, Re; Witte, T; Papasteriades, C; KAPPOU-RIGATOU, I; Endreffy, E; Kovacs, A; ORDI-ROS, J; Balada, E; Carreira, P; GOMEZ-REINO, Jj; Gonzalez, A
Progranulin gene variability increases the risk for primary progressive multiple sclerosis in males
2010-01-01 Fenoglio, C; Scalabrini, D; Esposito, F; Comi, Cristoforo; Cavalla, P; DE RIZ, M; Martinelli, V; Piccio, Lm; Venturelli, E; Fumagalli, G; Capra, R; Collimedaglia, L; Ghezzi, A; Rodegher, Me; Vercellino, M; Leone, M; Giordana, Mt; Bresolin, N; Monaco, Francesco; Comi, G; Scarpini, E; MARTINELLI BONESCHI, F; Galimberti, D.
Replication of the TNFSF4 (OX40L) promoter region association with systemic lupus erythematosus
2009-01-01 DELGADO VEGA, Am; Abelson, Ak; Sánchez, E; Witte, T; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Galeazzi, M; JIMÉNEZ ALONSO, J; PONS ESTEL, Ba; Martin, J; ALARCÓN RIQUELME, Me
Role of MYH9 and APOL1 in African and non-African populations with lupus nephritis
2012-01-01 Lin, Cp; Adrianto, I; Lessard, Cj; Kelly, Ja; Kaufman, Km; Guthridge, Jm; Freedman, Bi; Anaya, Jm; Alarcón Riquelme, Me; Biolupus, ; Genles, Networks; Pons Estel, Ba; Martin, J; Glenn, S; Adler, A; Bae, Sc; Park, Sy; Bang, Sy; Song, Yw; Boackle, Sa; Brown, Ee; Edberg, Jc; Alarcón, Gs; Petri, Ma; Criswell, La; Ramsey Goldman, R; Reveille, Jd; Vila, Lm; Gilkeson, Gs; Kamen, Dl; Ziegler, J; Jacob, Co; Rasmussen, A; James, Ja; Kimberly, Rp; Merrill, Jt; Niewold, Tb; Scofield, Rh; Stevens, Am; Tsao, Bp; Vyse, Tj; Langefeld, Cd; Moser, Kl; Harley, Jb; Gaffney, Pm; Montgomery, Cg; Gregersen, Pk; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Scorza, R; Junker, P; Laustrup, H; Bijl, M; Endreffy, E; Vasconcelos, C; da Silva, Bm; Suarez, A; Gutierrez, C; Rúa Figueroa, I; Garcilazo, C; Ortego Centeno, N; Jimenez Alonso, J; de Ramon, E; Sanchez Roman, J; Cardiel, M; García de la Torre, I; Maradiaga, M; Moctezuma, Jf; Acevedo, E; Castel, C; Busajm, M; Musuruana, J; Scherbarth, Hr; Marino, Pc; Motta, El; Gamron, S; Drenkard, C; Menso, E; Allievi, A; Tate, Ga; Presas, Jl; Palatnik, Sa; Abdala, M; Bearzotti, M; Alvarellos, A; Caeiro, F; Bertoli, A; Paira, S; Roverano, S; Graf, Ce; Bertero, E; Guillerón, C; Grimaudo, S; Manni, J; Catoggio, Lj; Soriano, Er; Santos, Cd; Prigione, C; Ramos, Fa; Navarro, Sm; Berbotto, Ga; Jorfen, M; Romero, Ej; Garcia, Ma; Marcos, Jc; Marcos, Ai; Perandones, Ce; Eimon, A; Battagliotti, Cg; Comeau, Mc; Marion, Mc; Ramos, Ps; Frank, S; Zhu, M. L.
A sequence variation in the MOG gene is involved in multiple sclerosis susceptibility in Italy
2008-01-01 D'Alfonso, Sandra; Bolognesi, Elisabetta; Guerini, Fr; Barizzone, N; Bocca, Sara; Ferrante, Daniela; Castelli, L; Bergamaschi, Laura; Agliardi, C; Ferrante, P; Naldi, P; Leone, M; Caputo, D; Ballerini, C; Salvetti, M; Galimberti, D; Massacesi, L; Trojano, M; Momigliano Richiardi, P.
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
A family-based study does not confirm the association of MYO9B with celiac disease in the Italian population | 1-gen-2006 | Giordano, Mara; Marano, C; Mellai, M; Limongelli, Mg; Bolognesi, E; Clerget Darpoux, F; Momigliano, Patricia; Greco, L. | |
A genome screen for multiple sclerosis in Italian families | 1-gen-2001 | S., Broadley; S., Sawcer; D'Alfonso, Sandra; A., Hensiek; F., Coraddu; J., Gray; R., Roxburgh; D., Clayton; M., Salvetti; A., Quattrone; M., Trojano; L., Massacesi; GENES AND IMMUNITY, A. C. O. M. P. S. T. O. N. | |
A non-synonymous SNP within membrane metalloendopeptidase-like 1 (MMEL1) is associated with multiple sclerosis | 1-gen-2010 | Ban, M; Mccauley, Jl; Zuvich, R; Baker, A; Bergamaschi, L; Cox, M; Kemppinen, A; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Guerini, Fr; LECHNER SCOTT, J; Dudbridge, F; Wason, J; Robertson, Np; De, ; Jager, Pl; Hafler, Da; Barcellos, Lf; Ivinson, Aj; Sexton, D; Oksenberg, Jr; Hauser, Sl; PERICAK VANCE, Ma; Haines, J; Compston, A; Sawcer, S. | |
Association tests with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) of IL10 markers indicate a direct involvement of a CA repeat in the 5' regulatory region | 1-gen-2002 | D'Alfonso, Sandra; Giordano, Mara; Mellai, M; Lanceni, M; Barizzone, N; Marchini, M; Scorza, R; Danieli, Mg; Cappelli, M; Rovere, P; Sabbadini, Mg; Momigliano, Patricia | |
Bias in association studies of systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility due to geographical variation in the frequency of a programmed cell death 1 polymorphism across Europe | 1-gen-2007 | FERREIROS VIDAL, I; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Papasteriades, C; Skopouli, Fn; Marchini, M; Scorza, R; Migliaresi, S; Sebastiani, Gd; Endreffy, E; Mavromati, M; KAPPOU RIGATOU, I; Ruzickova, S; Dostal, C; Schmidt, Re; Witte, T; GOMEZ REINO, Jj; Gonzalez, A. | |
Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases, supplement 1 | 1-gen-2001 | Bidwell, J; Keen, L; Gallagher, G; Kimberly, R; Huizinga, T; Mcdermott, Mf; Oksenberg, J; Mcnicholl, J; Pociot, F; Hardt, C; D'Alfonso, Sandra | |
Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases | 1-gen-1999 | J., Bidwell; L., Keen; G., Gallagher; R., Kimberly; T., Huizinga; Mf, Mcdermott; J., Oksenberg; J., Mcnicholl; F., Pociot; C., Hardt; D'Alfonso, Sandra | |
Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases, supplement 2 | 1-gen-2002 | Haukim, N; Bidwell, Jl; Smith, Aj; Keen, Lj; Gallagher, G; Kimberly, R; Huizinga, T; Mcdermott, Mf; Oksenberg, J; Mcnicholl, J; Pociot, F; Hardt, C; D'Alfonso, Sandra | |
Genetic association of miRNA-146a with systemic lupus erythematosus in Europeans through decreased expression of the gene | 1-gen-2012 | Lofgren, Se; Frostegard, J; Truedsson, L; Pons Estel, Ba; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Witte, T; Lauwerys, Br; Endreffy, E; Kovacs, L; Vasconcelos, C; da Silva, Bm; Kozyrev, Sv; Alarcon Riquelme, Me | |
Genetic associations of LYN with systemic lupus erythematosus. | 1-gen-2009 | Lu, R; Vidal, Gs; Kelly, Ja; Delgado Vega, Am; Howard, Xk; Macwana, Sr; Dominguez, N; Klein, W; Burrell, C; Harley, It; Kaufman, Km; Bruner, Gr; Moser, Kl; Gaffney, Pm; Gilkeson, Gs; Wakeland, Ek; Li, Qz; Langefeld, Cd; Marion, Mc; Divers, J; Alarcón, Gs; Brown, Ee; Kimberly, Rp; Edberg, Jc; Ramsey Goldman, R; Reveille, Jd; McGwin G., Jr; Vilá, Lm; Petri, Ma; Bae, Sc; Cho, Sk; Bang, Sy; Kim, I; Choi, Cb; Martin, J; Vyse, Tj; Merrill, Jt; Harley, Jb; Alarcón Riquelme, Me; Biolupus, ; GENLES Multicenter, Collaborations; Nath, Sk; James, Ja; Junker P, Guthridge J. M.; Voss, A; Laustrup, H; Lauwerys, Br; Houssiau, Fa; Vasconcelos, C; Da Silva, Bm; Gutierrez, C; Suárez, A; Witte, T; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Migliaresi, S; Galeazzi, M; Sebastiani, Gd; Pons Estel, B; Endreffy, E; Gregersen, Pk; Oksenberg, Jr; Alarcón, Gs; Brown, Ee; Kimberly, Rp; Edberg, Jc; McGwin G., Jr; Ramsey Goldman, R; Reveille, Jd; Vilá, Lm; Petri, M. A. | |
HLA-class I markers and multiple sclerosis susceptibility in the Italian population | 1-gen-2010 | Bergamaschi, L; Leone, Ma; Fasano, Me; Guerini, Fr; Ferrante, Daniela; Bolognesi, E; Barizzone, N; Corrado, Lucia; Naldi, P; Agliardi, C; Dametto, E; Salvetti, M; Visconti, A; Galimberti, D; Scarpini, E; Vercellino, M; Bergamaschi, R; Monaco, Francesco; Caputo, D; Momigliano Richiardi, P; D'Alfonso, Sandra | |
IL12A, MPHOSPH9/CDK2AP1 and RGS1 are novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci | 1-gen-2010 | ESPOSITO F, INTERNATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS GENETICS CONSSORTIUM I. M. S. G. C.; Patsopoulos, Na; Cepok, S; Kockum, I; Leppä, V; Booth, Dr; Heard, Rn; Stewart, Gj; Cox, M; Scott, Rj; LECHNER SCOTT, J; Goris, A; Dobosi, R; Dubois, B; Rioux, Jd; Oturai, Ab; Søndergaard, Hb; Sellebjerg, F; Sørensen, Ps; Reunanen, M; Koivisto, K; COURNU REBEIX, I; Fontaine, B; Winkelmann, J; Gieger, C; INFANTE DUARTE, C; Zipp, F; Bergamaschi, L; Leone, M; Bergamaschi, R; Cavalla, P; Lorentzen, Ar; Mero, Il; Celius, Eg; Harbo, Hf; Spurkland, A; Comabella, M; Brynedal, B; Alfredsson, L; Bernardinelli, L; Robertson, Np; Hawkins, Cp; Barcellos, Lf; Beecham, G; Bush, W; Cree, Ba; Daly, Mj; Ivinson, Aj; Aubin, C; Compston, A; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Haines, Jl; Hauser, Sl; Hemmer, B; Hillert, J; Mccauley, Jl; Oksenberg, J; Olsson, T; Palotie, A; Peltonen, L; PERICAK VANCE, Ma; Saarela, J; Sawcer, Sj; Stranger, B; Boneschi, Fm; Comi, G; Hafle, Da; DE BAKKER, Pi; DE JAGER, Pl | |
A mutation in caspase-9 decreases the expression of BAFFR and ICOS in patients with immunodeficiency and lymphoproliferation | 1-gen-2015 | Clemente, Nausicaa; Boggio, Elena; Gigliotti, CASIMIRO LUCA; Orilieri, E.; Cappellano, G.; Toth, E.; ALUFFI VALLETTI, Paolo; Santoro, Claudio Ventura; Quinti, I.; Pignata, C.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Dianzani, C.; Dianzani, Irma; Ramenghi, U.; Dianzani, Umberto; Chiocchetti, Annalisa | |
New polymorphisms in the IL-10 promoter region | 1-gen-2000 | D'Alfonso, Sandra; Rampi, M; Rolando, V; Giordano, Mara; Momigliano, Patricia | |
New Polymorphisms in the IL-10 promoter region | 1-gen-2001 | D'Alfonso, S.; Rampi, M.; Rolando, V.; Giordano, Mara; MOMIGLIANO RICHIARDI, P. | |
Opposed independent effects and epistasis in the complex association of IRF5 to SLE | 1-gen-2007 | FERREIRO-NEIRA, I; Calaza, M; ALONSO-PEREZ, E; Marchini, M; Scorza, R; Sebastiani, Gd; Blanco, Fj; Rego, I; Pullmann, R JR; Pullmann, R; Kallenberg, Cg; Bijl, M; Skopouli, Fn; Mavromati, M; Migliaresi, S; Barizzone, N; Ruzickova, S; Dostal, C; Schmidt, Re; Witte, T; Papasteriades, C; KAPPOU-RIGATOU, I; Endreffy, E; Kovacs, A; ORDI-ROS, J; Balada, E; Carreira, P; GOMEZ-REINO, Jj; Gonzalez, A | |
Progranulin gene variability increases the risk for primary progressive multiple sclerosis in males | 1-gen-2010 | Fenoglio, C; Scalabrini, D; Esposito, F; Comi, Cristoforo; Cavalla, P; DE RIZ, M; Martinelli, V; Piccio, Lm; Venturelli, E; Fumagalli, G; Capra, R; Collimedaglia, L; Ghezzi, A; Rodegher, Me; Vercellino, M; Leone, M; Giordana, Mt; Bresolin, N; Monaco, Francesco; Comi, G; Scarpini, E; MARTINELLI BONESCHI, F; Galimberti, D. | |
Replication of the TNFSF4 (OX40L) promoter region association with systemic lupus erythematosus | 1-gen-2009 | DELGADO VEGA, Am; Abelson, Ak; Sánchez, E; Witte, T; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Galeazzi, M; JIMÉNEZ ALONSO, J; PONS ESTEL, Ba; Martin, J; ALARCÓN RIQUELME, Me | |
Role of MYH9 and APOL1 in African and non-African populations with lupus nephritis | 1-gen-2012 | Lin, Cp; Adrianto, I; Lessard, Cj; Kelly, Ja; Kaufman, Km; Guthridge, Jm; Freedman, Bi; Anaya, Jm; Alarcón Riquelme, Me; Biolupus, ; Genles, Networks; Pons Estel, Ba; Martin, J; Glenn, S; Adler, A; Bae, Sc; Park, Sy; Bang, Sy; Song, Yw; Boackle, Sa; Brown, Ee; Edberg, Jc; Alarcón, Gs; Petri, Ma; Criswell, La; Ramsey Goldman, R; Reveille, Jd; Vila, Lm; Gilkeson, Gs; Kamen, Dl; Ziegler, J; Jacob, Co; Rasmussen, A; James, Ja; Kimberly, Rp; Merrill, Jt; Niewold, Tb; Scofield, Rh; Stevens, Am; Tsao, Bp; Vyse, Tj; Langefeld, Cd; Moser, Kl; Harley, Jb; Gaffney, Pm; Montgomery, Cg; Gregersen, Pk; D'Alfonso, Sandra; Scorza, R; Junker, P; Laustrup, H; Bijl, M; Endreffy, E; Vasconcelos, C; da Silva, Bm; Suarez, A; Gutierrez, C; Rúa Figueroa, I; Garcilazo, C; Ortego Centeno, N; Jimenez Alonso, J; de Ramon, E; Sanchez Roman, J; Cardiel, M; García de la Torre, I; Maradiaga, M; Moctezuma, Jf; Acevedo, E; Castel, C; Busajm, M; Musuruana, J; Scherbarth, Hr; Marino, Pc; Motta, El; Gamron, S; Drenkard, C; Menso, E; Allievi, A; Tate, Ga; Presas, Jl; Palatnik, Sa; Abdala, M; Bearzotti, M; Alvarellos, A; Caeiro, F; Bertoli, A; Paira, S; Roverano, S; Graf, Ce; Bertero, E; Guillerón, C; Grimaudo, S; Manni, J; Catoggio, Lj; Soriano, Er; Santos, Cd; Prigione, C; Ramos, Fa; Navarro, Sm; Berbotto, Ga; Jorfen, M; Romero, Ej; Garcia, Ma; Marcos, Jc; Marcos, Ai; Perandones, Ce; Eimon, A; Battagliotti, Cg; Comeau, Mc; Marion, Mc; Ramos, Ps; Frank, S; Zhu, M. L. | |
A sequence variation in the MOG gene is involved in multiple sclerosis susceptibility in Italy | 1-gen-2008 | D'Alfonso, Sandra; Bolognesi, Elisabetta; Guerini, Fr; Barizzone, N; Bocca, Sara; Ferrante, Daniela; Castelli, L; Bergamaschi, Laura; Agliardi, C; Ferrante, P; Naldi, P; Leone, M; Caputo, D; Ballerini, C; Salvetti, M; Galimberti, D; Massacesi, L; Trojano, M; Momigliano Richiardi, P. |
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