Sfoglia per Autore
Medicine and Wellbeing in Late Modern Reference Works: data mining and the materiality of the book
2024-11-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
The lexicographic representation of colonial Spain in late 18th-century British dictionaries of trade and commerce
2024-10-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
‘To the interest and glory of their country’: business and power in late 18th-century British dictionaries of trade and commerce
2024-08-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
"The Author cannot help feeling himself under an obligation of apologising for the frequent egotisms”: the travelling self in medical geography
2024-07-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
Diet, nutrition, regimen: Food and healthcare in 18th-century British midwifery (Panel Health and well-being as seen through food and nutrition discourse(s): Past and present perspectives)
2024-06-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
Foreign parts, foreign countries, foreign trade: il lessico dell’alterità nei dizionari di trade and commerce del tardo Settecento inglese
2024-05-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
Antiquity and Antiquities in the Long 18th Century. Construction and Dissemination of the Classical Past in British Dictionaries and Periodicals
2024-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta; Cecconi, Elisabetta
Duties, offices, and conduct: the lexis of moral sense and practical ethics in late eighteenth-century medical writing
2024-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
That which principally enobles any science, is the dignity of its object, and the public utility arising from it’: midwifery and medical writing in 18th-century British reference works.
2023-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
“I come like an Heir to a large Patrimony”: the representation of antiquity in 18th-c. British dictionaries of arts and sciences
2023-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
The myth of MANKIND and the representation of PEOPLE in Late 18th-century British dictionaries of trade and commerce
2023-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
Isabel Moskowich, Inés Lareo and Gonzalo Camiña (eds.), ‘All families and genera’: Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2021. Pp. xv + 310. ISBN 9789027209245 (Hb), 9789027259622 (e-book)
2023-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
“The Myth of Mankind and the Representation of People in Late 18C British Dictionaries of Trade and Commerce”.
2022-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
“Language identity and language ideology in 18th-century British encyclopaedias” -International Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest “Online Workshop Dictionaries and Prescriptions”, 25-26 novembre 2022.
2022-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
Ethics, moral practices and age-related social issues in late 18th-century medical discourse: A lexicological and textual approach
2022-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
New plants & new names: botanical terminology in late modern English lexicography
2022-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
A Country Doctor in the French Revolution: Marie‐François‐Bernadin Ramel. By Robert Weston.
2021-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
«Air, Climate, Season, … Situation, Food, Poisons, and a few other Things»: the lexis of fevers and epidemics in British medical writing, 1770-1800
2021-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
The mercantile discovery of the world: geographical commodities in the 18th-century dictionarie of trade and commerce
2020-01-01 Lonati, E.
Paratextual features in 18th-century medical writing. Framing contents and expanding the text
2020-01-01 Lonati, Elisabetta
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